**Ownership of Rights** All rights (including copyright, trademark rights, patent rights, trade secrets, and other related rights) to all products, technologies, software, programs, data, and other information on this platform (including text, icons, images, photos, audio, video, charts, color combinations, layout design, etc.) are owned by the platform. No one is permitted to use any content on this platform without the platform's authorization, including using robots, spiders, or other programs or devices to monitor, copy, distribute, display, mirror, upload, download, etc. The marks of this platform, as well as the marks, logos, product and service names of the platform, are trademarks of the platform service provider. If you need to use them for publicity, display, etc., you must obtain prior written authorization from the platform service provider. **Limitation of Liability** The shop and product information on this platform (including but not limited to shop names, company names, contact persons and contact information, product descriptions and instructions, related images, videos, etc.) are provided and uploaded by the platform or the merchants. The platform or the merchants shall assume legal responsibility for the information provided and uploaded. If the platform service provider has other agreements, they will be clearly stated in relevant agreements or other legal documents. The works (including forum content) reposted by merchants are purely for the purpose of conveying more information, which does not mean that the platform service provider agrees with their views or has verified the authenticity of their content. **Intellectual Property Protection** The platform respects intellectual property and opposes and combats infringement of intellectual property. If the intellectual property right holder believes that the content on the platform (including but not limited to product information published by merchants on the platform) violates their legitimate rights and interests, they can make a complaint through online customer service or the customer service hotline. The platform service provider will handle it in accordance with relevant laws and regulations, as well as platform rules, promptly after receiving a qualified notice from the intellectual property right holder.